local advertising

Mastering the Political Ad Game – Essential Strategies for News Media

Without question, the advertising landscape evolves every election cycle with the mounds of data available to Political Media Buyers and candidate Campaign Managers. Because of this evolution of landscape in political advertising, traditional news media staying ahead means embracing change and innovation. It’s an opportunity for news media to redefine their role and capitalize on the unique value they offer to political campaigns.

Advantages of Newspaper Advertising: Why Newspapers Still Rule the Playground

Gone are the days where a family of four sits around a dining room table enjoying a meal while the husband sits puffing his Sherlock pipe while reading the newspaper, right? Wrong. Well, partly. Who knows how families enjoy their meals together anymore, but one thing is for sure, people still read newspapers in print and online, and because of that, Newspapers can still flex on the playground because they supply unparalleled benefits compared to other forms of marketing.